Monday, January 26, 2009

5 Effective Ways Survive the Economy!

If you look at any given newspaper in the last several years it doesn't take a licensed Economist to see that we have been in better economic times. Instead of repeating the obvious I would like to show you some positive options. Remember the book " What Color is Your Parachute " by Richard Nelson Bolles go get it and read it cover to cover! We need to take the opportunity that this economic time has given us. ( I can see the puzzled looks know.)

Most of you may know I am a glass half full kind of girl! Think back to when you where a kid and some tall person asked what you wanted to be when you grew up! Back then we did not check the paper for what we wanted to do or how well that profession paid. We had a true dream! There are still avenues to bring that dream into fission. If you are looking for that big bucket of cash, you better go buy the bucket and start filling it yourself. ( most Dollars Stores sell them cheep.)

  1. Do your research on that thing you always wanted to do. Grants are still out there but they take some work. Are you willing to work for it! Grants are time consuming and require WORK. This site will show you options for grants in public and private sectors. Do not print this out you will need stock in printer ink. Your local Library has a reference copy that you can make copies from.
  2. Go back to school and get reeducated. Consider the certificate programs.
  3. Consider freelancing with the professions your are most experiences in. Yes freelancing is contract work but if you can get back to back contracts than you can still have that steady stream of income. Again there is allot of planning and research that must be done.
  4. Invest in yourself! Take a look at your finances. If you owned a company called You Inc. (there's that look again!) If you were the CEO of a company that had a bunch of yous working for you! Would the company survive. You must be committed to the quality of work you produce. The book Fish by Stephen C. Lundin, Harry Paul, John Christensen, and Ken Blanchard, tells an awesome story that you can learn allot from.
  5. Consult your local SBA! ( again with the face!) There is a vast amount of FREE resources.
I hope this has been informative. Keep your head up and start working your plan!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Taking to Heart!

(Steph H - photo)
"When you are up to your fanny in alligators its HARD to remember that your primary objective was to drain the swamp" - author unknown

So many times we buy what others tell us! You know when you get right down to it you have the final say in all matters. You are only as good as YOU think you are. Most comments of the negative nature are just someone's opinion. They may think they know you or whats best for you. Or do they envy you for taking a shot at your dream. What ever the case may be, if you are striving for a goal in life be it professional or personal, remember be true to yourself and the rest will come. I know that many of you have had a dream squashed by your friends maybe even your family. Think of why you never pursued that dream. Who has the final say? You can do what ever you want to! Don't let others get in the way of your dreams. If you need some one to believe in you than I do! Make your plan and set your goals and GO FOR IT! It is never to late to be the person you want to be. Write down your dream on paper and keep them close by where you can see them, in your face, so you can be reminded of why you had that dream to begin with. Set attainable goals and make it happen.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Back into the work force!

As I contemplate the changes there is a bit of apprehension.

Looking at my picture reminds me that all of the roads you travel through life are not always straight and clear. You must stay focused in your destination and remember to stay on your path. Many things come onto our pathway daily, be diligent in clearing those obstacles that will not help you on your journey.

I live my life with thankfulness and grateful that I have been blessed in so many ways.

I have been out of work. This is coming to an end!

Stay focused on the goals that you set and make sure you keep those goals where you can see them. Keep your self accountable!